Maurizio Battino, PhD, Full Professor of Nutrition in the Dept of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Università Politecnica delle Marche (Italy) is the Director of the Nutrition & Health Center, Universidad Europea del Atlantico, (Santander-Spain) and Guest Professor at Jiangsu University (China). He leads the Bioenergetics Group which investigates the way of mitigating disease processes through the correct use of specific foods (mainly from Mediterranean area) and of their bioactive compounds. Targeted diseases are those related directly with mitochondrial impairment (e.g., fibromyalgia) and/or inflammation processes and oxidative stress including metabolic syndrome, cancer, atherosclerosis and periodontal diseases.
Dr. Battino has more than 35 years of experience in bioenergetics and in food research with special emphasis on the role of natural antioxidants and his studies are documented in more than 420 peer-reviewed research articles with an accumulated Impact Factor above 2000,00, with h-index = 87 according to Google Scholar MyCitations or h-index = 70 according to Scopus and ISI Web of Science; he has also co-edited several books and special issues. He was BSc in Bologna, PhD in Catania and post-doc in Granada (Spain); he obtained a MS in International Communication Technology in Medicine (Ancona) and was awarded with a Doctor Honoris Causa degree by the University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” Bucharest (Romania). He has been named as a Highly Cited Researcher during the last 8 consecutive years by Thomson Reuters/Clarivate Analytics and awarded as Distinguished Researcher by the University of Vigo (Spain). He currently reviews scientific articles for over three dozen peer-reviewed journals, serves as Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Berry Research and Mediterranean Journal of Nutrition and Metabolism (IOS Press), International Journal of Molecular Sciences and Diseases (MDPI) and he is Associate Editor of Food Chemistry (Elsevier) and Molecules (MDPI).